Thursday, November 12, 2009

Winter's Coming....

As I was putting the final touches of shimmery mica on some of my latest winter originals, the weatherman was predicting snow and chilly temps for this weekend's Gifts for Yule Show. Winter is coming...the cool gray skies will fill with magical white flakes, and hopefully holiday shoppers will sense the nostalgic spirit of the season. Until then, here is sneak peek at just some of the winter delights I have been finishing up for this festive holiday show. You may have to bundle up, put on those hefty snow boots and trudge through a blanket of white snow to see the rest of my latest goodies. Stay warm and see you soon!
~ Johanna


* © 2009 Johanna Parker Design *Photographs & holiday folk art designs are the property of Johanna Parker and may not be used without permission.


Theresa MacNaughton said...

Oh, how I love ALL of these!!! Hopefully, the weather won't be too dreadful and people will come and purchase some of these jolly little fellows. Best of luck! Theresa

William Bezek said...

Sweet little snow people you busy, busy girl! Enjoy the show!

Unknown said...

Ohhhh! Such sweet things! I just love their charming faces that beam happiness! Have a wonderful show!

Anonymous said...

AHHHH, they're all so magical! Wish I could come to the show. Good luck!


Halloween Fanatic said...

There is no business like SNOW Business...L.O.L. Too Cute Johanna...

Have a great show!!!

Debby said...

WOW!!!! These are fabulous!

Elma said...

Oh be still my heart they are all just beautiful!!!!

Adoyma said...

Tienes unos trabajos preciosos.
Desde Madrid, España, cordial saludo.

Joy Jones said...

GORGEOUS! Your artwork makes me happy! Stunning photography too ~ xo Joy

Carolee said...

I sooooooooo wish I were close enough to attend one of your shows! Just magical...

Oh - and I finally picked up a copy of Country Sampler - going to sit down with a cup of tea and and check out the goodies this afternoon! :)

~ Carolee