Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Horn Tootin'

I've started collecting the vintage Halloween horns as I love their graphic look and shape, and they inspire me as I create my own illustrated horns and hats for my papier mache characters. In a grouping like this one on my fireplace mantel, they are bold and eye-catching, playful and fun. The tallest one was just given to me as an early birthday gift from my mom, so it's starting to feel like a real collection!
Together, I feel that my one of kind art pieces blend well with the vintage novelties of yesteryear. The witch bust pictured actually appeared in my recent BH&G Halloween Tricks & Treats Magazine article, so she's had her day of fame, and I've decided to keep her. Perhaps I'll make similar witchy busts next year as I know many folks have asked if I'd be putting her up for adoption.....Anyway, this is just a little peek from my inspirations at home..... Go toot those horns in honor of my favorite holiday!

© 2007 Johanna Parker Design * All contents on this site are the property of Johanna Parker and may not be used without permission.


  1. I am GREEN with envy... don't know which I love more your hats or vintage horns? Yes, I do, it's definitely your hats!!

  2. Welcome to Bloglandia!!! Looks great! Can't wait to see what else you'll post!!!

  3. YIPPEE!!! I LOVE that you have a blog! I will definately be checking it out often! YAY!

    XOXO, Amber

  4. Oh she looks GREAT with your horns!!

    xo Kitty

  5. Welcome to the land of blogs! I enjoy your art so much and can't get enough of it! Your picture of "you and your man" is adorable! Pam

  6. Love the horns Johanna! I am envious too and they do look GREAT with your witch bust! Suggestion, you should make a white winter witch version for Christmas! '-)


  7. welcome to blogland !your work looks great love the horns! will add you to my blog list!

  8. Johanna! That is a to die for display you have there! I Love your art! =o)


  9. A festive collection indeed! One of the many perks of having a birthday in October is getting Halloween presents! Love it! Melissa

  10. oh my witch my witch...I'm so happy to visit with here again here in blogland. Please tell me I am #1 on your list for when you decide to let her go...LOVE HER!

  11. What a great collection. You always have the best ideas!
    Happy Birthday tomorrow!
    See you in November.
    I will try to take a pic of my Johanna Halloween display and post it.
