Wednesday, November 28, 2007

5 Random Things about Me....

Ok, ok, I've been tagged 3 times now to write 5 random things about myself... So, here goes:
1.) My art was first published in Sesame Street Magazine at the ripe age of 3!
(oops, mom just corrected me, that's actually age 4!---like I remember!)
2.) I get a thrill driving alleys in seek of tossed-out treasures...
3.) I have an Emmy Award from my days working in TV news graphics
4.) I've painted wild, retro patterns on a life-size fiberglass steer for charity
5.) Bird-watching is my latest inspirational past time....

So, there ya go......
Here are the rules:1. Link to your tagger and post these rules on your blog. 2. Share 5 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird. 3. Tag 5 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs. 4. Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

I guess I will be tagging..........


  1. Hey Johanna, Lyndy tagged me on my blog Witchy-Poodle-Art so I, in turn, am tagging YOU! Don't you feel lucky? ;-)


  2. I love hearing that you were published at 4! wow!!! Thanks for the tag!

  3. thanks johanna, i will do the tag game over the weekend when i have time to sit at the computer as now just checking in and in the midst of decorating and orders..

  4. Hi Johanna, I could not stop myself from tagging you because I just knew you had a wonderful past & now you're entering an even more wonderful future. You do have a very interesting Random 5. Congrats on the Emmy. VERY COOL!

    I'm putting together a Christmas photo (for you) instead of a Halloween photo with all my lovelies I acquired from you. I think your wonderful folk art creations fit in ALL YEAR ROUND!

    HUGS & Great Big Squirrel Kisses, Lyndy

  5. What a cute little snow man below!
    And your new squirrelfriend below is adorable!
    Happy Holidays!
    Sandra Evertson

  6. COOL read Johanna! Thanks for sharing Emmy girl! '-)

    Chris :)
