Thursday, May 22, 2008

Spring in My Garden...

I love this time of year. As the earth reawakens with vigor, I can smell the scent of sweet blooms all around. The young, rich green hue of leaves and foliage unfurling and grass sprouting up awakens my senses. And fortunately, my perennial flower garden once again thrives after a long winter's sleep.

This morning, I took a few photos of my outdoor refuge. I find it amazing that within just a few weeks, it has truly come to life! Yet, it still has far to go before reaching its maturity for the year, as soon there will be splashes of color scattered about and plants growing to new heights while others cascade. Of course, I look forward to experiencing that! I promise to take more photos of its progress. For now, enjoy.....

~ Johanna

* Delicate flowers from this Bleeding Heart plant dangle in the breeze... I am certain that they have inspired artists alike for many years...

* An old rusty gate invites visitors to enter, but good luck finding the stepping stones...

* A bee visits the bloom of this Bachelor's Button plant....

* Our stone path that snakes through the garden to a shaded patio is already disappearing by happy ground covering plants....

* A pair of sweet Aliums stand in unison.... I just love these.....


  1. WOW! Beautiful garden!!! I noticed some similar flowers. The first year I grew the allium, my son picked the first full bloom! I guess it was too tempting for him :+) I also planted that Bachelor Button for the first time and I love how unusual it looks. Seeing your pics makes me motivated to get out of the PJ's and get outside!

    Have a nice weekend,

  2. HI Johanna, Your garden is beautiful!! Oh how I need to get gardening. Maybe someday in the future.

    I will enjoy yours instead!!! It looks very peaceful!


  3. What a joy to wander through your garden with you, Johanna!! The pictures are marvelous!!! Looks like it has been a bit warmer for longer at your house than at mine...not that I have a garden anything quite so special, though!!! Hugs, Trudy

  4. Wow. What a magical place! Its wonderul! Miss you in Pfattland Johanna. Pam

  5. What a gorgeous garden!!

    ~ Carolee

  6. Hi Girlfriend,

    It was so great to talk and get all caught up today!

    I can now see your garden post again, how odd it disappeared.. I can't get over how beautiful your garden is, wowie!! You and JP are a great team :~). Can't wait to see the latest project completed, woo hoo!

    Thank you for sharing, you are amazing!

    xo Kitty

  7. Bleeding Hearts are one of my all time favorite flowers! Beautiful shot and retreat.

  8. Your garden is so beautiful! Bleeding hearts are my favorite flower. Mine haven't gotten around to blooming yet this season.

  9. Beautiful garden pics Johanna!

    Have an enchanting weekend.

    Spooky Hugs,

  10. Johanna! Your garden is simply gorgeous! I want to come and walk it's paths! =D

