Tuesday, July 8, 2008

It's Auction Time!...

I managed to squeeze in some time to create this sweet vintage style Halloween cat candy container. She's one of my favorites so far, and is up for adoption on eBay this week! Take a peek at my auction page by clicking on the images below, and many thanks to those who place bids on this special piece! Good luck :)

~ Johanna

* Peek-a-Boo! She wears a hand-sewn collar of 1930s orange crepe paper.. What fun!

* How fun these collectible characters look together! I only wish I had more time to make lots and lots.....

* Her head lifts off to reveal a small candy container below :)

© 2008 Johanna Parker Design * All contents on this site are the property of Johanna Parker and may not be used without permission.


  1. Oh, I just love the candy containers...the cat is very special!! Good luck on the auction.

  2. She's just darling!! Your work is always such a delight....

    LOVE the new notepads too!!

    ~ Carolee

  3. Johanna ~ Lovely as ALWAYS!

    Hope you are having a great week. :)

    PS: I added some new content on the Ehagart blog this AM.

    Spooky Hugs,

  4. I just LOVE her!


  5. I just love this cat candy container! I am off to go check her out on eBay. :)

  6. Yep, I would have to say that it is one of my fav's as well. Really cute!!!!!! But then again all things you make are my fav!!!
    He He!!


  7. I am fascinated I read the description of the candy cup and it said you added a little something special in there from you. I love surprises! The candy cup looks great-someone is going to be very proud to have it!

  8. Hi Johanna, you've created another cutie pie Halloween candy container. The winner will be very lucky!

    Hope you & JP had a Happy & safe 4th Of July.

    Thanks for stopping by & your MEOWVELOUS comments...

    >^..^< Hugs With Love, Lyndy >^..^<

  9. These are Wonderful! And the new note cards are Fabulous! Just Love them!
    Sandra Evertson

  10. Hi Johanna, been busy with Jury Duty....

    Just wanted to say that my beautiful black cat candy container is loving her new home with her brothers & sisters. She's beautiful & yes, I'm very lucky!

    >^..^< HUGS & PURRRS >^..^<
