Thursday, October 23, 2008

Colonial Halloween at Mom's...

As busy as this month has been, I focused my energy making Halloween fun for others rather than decorating my home... (hopefully next year, I will have more time :) However, my mom has been decorating her colonial-style home up in Washington state with her growing collection of orange and black delights!...On display this month at the Parker's house is a fun variety of folk art pieces that we both have made over the years. She sent me these photos recently, and I thought I would share them with you! ENJOY.....

~ Johanna

* The russet red-colored walls of their dining room is the perfect backdrop for a Halloween harvest theme...

* A fun collection of my Halloween ornaments dangle from a spooky grouping of twigs...

* A smiling jack-o'-lantern reproduction design of mine peers out of a cupboard nook...

* The jack-o'-lantern candle holder and black cat candy bowl are ready to greet friends and trick-or-treaters... These designs of mine are offered thru Primitives by Kathy...

* A work in progress hooked piece that mom designed and is currently working on... cute!....

* A pair of papier mache characters I sculpted a few years back join in with mom's yellow ware collection and her hand-painted Halloween lids...

* A cozy Halloween hearth welcomes all who enter... at second glance I ponder what is growing in the baby cradle??!!! he he...

* A pilgrim-style witch bust I sculpted a couple of years ago fits right in with mom's colonial home character...

* Another hooked piece mom made decorates a primitive tabletop in the foreground...

* Here stand two candy containers of mine that now live with mom... The one at left was my first owl piece ever and has inspired many more since!...

* Speaking of owls, this one is a reproduction design of mine, offered thru Primitives by Kathy...

* A grouping of Halloween pillows, designed and created by mom.. What fun!

* This piece has a history indeed!... Mom and I sat down to sculpt about 6 years ago, and I created this cat in a jack... In the process, I realized how much I missed the tactile arts for at the time, I was a corporate designer, working in TV news graphics... After adding the paint, my cat came to life and what a thrill! (today he seems pretty crude, but at the time, I was inspired) Of course, he needed a necklace to finish his look. Mom only had tin snips, so off I went to play with wire and.... Oouch! I sliced open my hand with those snips! So, needless to say, I was rushed to the hospital and stitched up like Frankenstein. Obviously, it didn't stop me though!... :)~


  1. Love mom's house! Thanks for sharing it with us! Robert :)

  2. FUN pics of your Mom's Halloween decorations & house!

    Have a great weekend.

    Chris :-)

  3. How cozy and inviting for Halloween and what wonderful collections she has....Lovely!


  4. Johanna,

    I love your Mom's house and of course your art. :)

  5. What a wonderful home your Mom has, Johanna!! Love that twig tree!! I must make one!!! All your goodies look wonderfully at home there, too!!! Hugs, Trudy

  6. What a cozy cottage! Thanks for sharing. :) Sorry about your mishap with the tin snips. Ouch, indeed!

  7. love the decor...come and do mine..but bring your stuff with it!!!:)

  8. Awwwww, such nice memories of your Mom's house, only in Halloween decor instead of Christmas! (Kathy, you are so talented)! Madison and Ray enjoyed seeing the tree with all of the ornaments and treat containers, we have a similar tree!

    Wow, I don't remember the tin snip story, that must have been awful! I cut myself 2 years in a row carving delicate designs on pumpkins with an exacto (derrrrrrrrrrrr). I don't do that anymore.

    Have a great Sunday, hope your weather is wonderful!

    xo Kitty

  9. .3Love the photos of your mom house I love your work.I didn't know you hab a blog, but of almost everyone does.I seen itwas I was visiting a friend, the faerie wysperer. need to go look at your website too.Nice meeting you .
    love Debb
