Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Bloomin' Black Cats!...

Once again, the last day of the month is upon us and that means the EHAG Emporium has opened its doors once again to unveil a variety of Halloween original delights. With my rediscovery of the garden (see previous post below) I was inspired to add a little floral touch to these 2 black cat candy containers. A hint of vintage green blends beautifully with those orange and black jack-o'-lantern daisies! Each container, both big and small exhibits these whimsical blooms. Let's take a closer peek...


First off is "Bloomin' Betty" ~ the larger candy container on the left!
She's also featured on the EHAG Emporium this month.

"Bloomin Betty" ~ 11" tall ~ $595.00 plus shipping
~ SOLD ~
One of a kind papier mache candy container with an original illustrated conical party hat featuring more jack-o'-lantern fun! She wears a sculpted bow at her neck, and her containing cup has a whimsically fun dimensional ruffle that trims its brim!


Fill with treats if you wish!....


and . . . . . . .


Here's Betty's 'lil friend at 4.5" tall...

Bloomin' Black Cat Candy Egg Cup ~ $365 plus shipping
Hand-painted and sculpted papier mache black cat lid fits snugly with a painted wooden egg cup. She wears a dimensional party hat and an orange zig-zag fabric collar trimmed in black glass glitter.



If either of these Garden-style Halloween sweeties interest you, please email me:
And don't forget to include the name of the piece you are hoping to reserve!

Thank you!
~ Johanna

* © 2010 Johanna Parker Design *Photos, designs and concepts are the property of Johanna Parker and may not be used without permission


  1. What a sweet pair of Halloween garden kitties! Just wonderful :0)

    * Diane

  2. LOVELY goodies AS ALWAYS!!!

    Happy 4th early lady!

    SpOOky CK (-:
