Sunday, November 20, 2011

Setting the HOLIDAY Mood!...

As many of you know, my creative friend Matthew Mead is ALL about the holidays! I had the pleasure of contributing a fun Halloween story and shared my photos in his most recent Autumn issue. That was certainly a treat! Now, that the holidays are fast approaching, I suggest you order a copy of his latest HOLIDAY with Matthew Mead edition! It's a 144-page book-azine celebrating and offering inspiration for the holiday season. You can purchase your expanded keepsake edition NOW which is well ahead for the 128-page newsstand edition. And check out Matthew Mead's website for sneak peeks, holiday giveaways and even a vlog on what's in store!

Happy Holidays,
~ Johanna

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh Johanna!!!!! So so so cute! Sorry there is so much for you to do but I am so excited that you do it!!! Take care of yourself somehow in there too!

    See you in a couple weeks! So excited! :)
