It's been a busy, bustling week of flapping feathers and chirping calls in our backyard bird haven. Each year around this time when the robins visit in masses to nibble on juniper berries and bathe, I know that spring is just around the corner. I just love that......
This week, I captured a few fun bird moments at our community bird bath and around various roosts in our yard. The highlight was an owl visitor at dusk that quietly perched on a branch, eyes darting all about! I've never seen an owl in our yard, and I'm sure my smaller bird friends were not as excited as I was upon his visit! But, it was quite a treat....(Hmmm, and guess what I'm sculpting now.... hoot hoot! ) These little critters are full of inspiration for me......
I'll post a few photos below for you to enjoy......
~ Johanna
* Two robins look about between sips of cool water....
* A small owl perches on a low juniper branch at dusk, hence the grainy photo, but you can still see him.... Jack (my cat) and I had our noses pressed against the glass!
* My spoiled sparrow friends eat seeds from a large terracotta dish..Typically, you'll see squirrels feeding here throughout the day..... See, JP's nice stonework too...
* Adorable zoom of a sparrow, nestled in the tree....
* A sweet robin in silhouette roosts on the peek of our garage roof.... I love that pic....
* Two starlings bathe in the same water the robins were just drinking from..... Hmmm, I guess that's acceptable bird etiquette :)
* The robin at right watches his buddy munch down a juniper berry.... cute!
* What are you looking at?!!!!