So, I know you're probably asking about the "Treasure Hunt." Here is the scoop... With so many generous folks in attendance, I only have 5 holiday originals remaining. As usual, I WISH I had made more than 26, but with the short spanse between Halloween & Christmas, I was lucky to create as many as I did. And after this weekend, I'm thinking that I MUST start on my holiday folk art pieces much sooner next year as my show is growing! In fact, next year will be our 10th consecutive event! Wow! Since I do not have a large enough offering of one of a kinds to advertise for an official web sale, I am going to host a Treasure Hunt, here on my blog instead. Keep checking back this week as I will post a fun variety of images from our Open House, and within the mix I will include images of the pieces still up for grabs. Some photos will be of characters already sold to those who attended, while others will be listed as available. It's up to you to read the captions and hunt for the goodies still at hand! If you see something you like, just email me and I will mark the item sold. And those who missed this fun event will certainly enjoy the tour! So, check back later this week, and look for my "Holiday Treasures" post. Please, no inquiries until after I post the tour. For now, I must tidy up the house and get things back into order....
See you soon!
~ Johanna
PS: For those curious, I did sell out of my limited edition snow sitters. I wish I had more to offer, but no such luck. And actually, I sold out on my licensed designs as well! I almost always have a few ornaments and figures to spare and offer as collector's sets each year. But again, they all flew out the door! All I can say is Thank You!.... and I will order more for next year's show, so mark your calendars! Our 10th Annual Event will be the first weekend of December as usual......... It will be here before you know it!
What a cute idea Johanna! Can't wait to see all the photos! I am just happy to have come and already settled my Originals into their new home! They're making me smile and they come with very fond memories of a wintery holiday weekend!
Thank you Martha! It was a pleasure to finally meet you and your daughter :) And, I'm happy to have created some fond wintery memories for you two!!
xoxo back at ya,
~ Johanna
Congratulations Johanna. Hoping next year I can hop on a plane and make it out there for the festivities.
OH how I wish I lived closer!!!
Congratulations on your wonderful open house sale. I am glad it was such a success for you! I love your wonderful creations.
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